If you find that the burning effect of capsaicin is too intense, there are several things you can do to reduce it:

  • Drink milk or eat dairy products: Capsaicin is soluble in fats, so drinking milk or eating dairy products can help to neutralize the heat. Dairy products can help to coat your mouth and protect it from coming into contact with capsaicin, reducing the burn.
  • Drink sugar water or eat sugar: Sugar can help to neutralize the heat of capsaicin by binding to the capsaicin molecules. Drinking sugar water or eating sugar can help to reduce the burn.
    Eat bread or crackers: Eating bread or crackers can help to absorb the capsaicin and reduce the burn. Basically, the capsicin is bonded with the oil and not your tongue receptors.
  • Drink water: Drinking water can help to flush the capsaicin out of your mouth and reduce the burn. However, it’s important to note that water alone may not be very effective in reducing the heat of capsaicin, as capsaicin is not soluble in water.
  • Eat cooling foods: Eating cooling foods such as cucumber, melon, or mint can help to reduce the heat of capsaicin. These foods contain compounds that can help to neutralize the heat and cool your mouth.
  • Reduce the amount of capsaicin: If you find that eating hot peppers is too painful, you can reduce the heat by removing the seeds and the white membranes before cooking or eating them. These parts of the pepper contain the highest concentrations of capsaicin.

There are several ways to reduce the burning effect of capsaicin. Drink milk or eat dairy products such as cheese. Eating sugar, bread, or crackers also helps. The most effective are liquids with some oil, like milk.

Capsaicin is concentrated in the white membrane (also known as the pith) that surrounds the seeds inside the pepper, as well as in the seeds themselves. If you don’t want an intense burning sensation, remove the seeds and the white membrane first.