Substitution – Be aware so you don’t lose market share

By |2017-03-31T11:22:24+00:00March 31, 2017|Marketing|

Substitution is takes place when one products price is to high or becomes unavailable and households find a new product to substitute it.  A classic example is butter and margarine.  The price of butter started to increase up to a point where the manufacturers found it feasible to add colorants [...]

Marketing and the relative value of goods

By |2017-03-03T12:46:24+00:00March 3, 2017|Marketing|

Each household has a limited income. This income is usually fixed if at least one person has a job. The total household income is limited. A household cannot decide one month to spend all its money on milk and the next month on bread. There are various fixed cost items [...]

Packaging and grading of vegetables

By |2016-09-23T12:46:44+00:00May 9, 2016|Marketing|

Vegetables are sold in various from of packaging depending on the quality and quantity of the product and the price the farmer would like to obtain.  The trend is to pack high quality vegetables into smaller quantities i.e. smaller packaging and lower quality vegetables in to larger containers or sell [...]

Marketing of horticultural products

By |2017-03-06T08:50:57+00:00May 9, 2016|Marketing|

Marketing is the distribution, promotion and direction of horticultural products or services to your customers.  Marketing includes a wide range of activities and starts at selecting a name of your farm and produce, its location and how you will interact with clients and customers.  All businesses marketing environment consist of: [...]

Horticultural sectors

By |2017-03-06T08:28:59+00:00May 9, 2016|Marketing|

The horticultural industry is a complicated network of intensive businesses that all seek to obtain a slice of the horticultural pie. The South African agricultural business sector is highly competitive and diversified. A simple graphical layout of the businesses that play a significant role in the horticultural industry is presented [...]

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