Pea fertilizer application tables according to soil types

By |2019-01-22T12:04:40+00:00January 22, 2019|Peas|

Pea fertilizer (Pisum sativum) requirements can be calculated if you know your soil type and have a good idea of the yield potential of your land and climate. These are basic norms and your specific microclimate and variety can have an influence on the total amount applied. These norms do [...]

Treatment of seed with nodule bacteria inoculant

By |2018-04-30T09:04:34+00:00April 30, 2018|Peas|

Inoculant is used to help various legumes produce their own nitrogen. The pea is a legume and can use the nitrogen released in the root nodules by the nitrogen fixing bacteria. Inoculate pea seed if it is the first time planting on a specific soil. Inoculate the seed if the [...]

Green peas climatic requirements

By |2018-04-29T09:48:49+00:00April 29, 2018|Peas|

Climatic requirements for green peas Green peas are grown mostly by large scale contract farmers that sell the product to processors. The green pea Pisum sativum is a very well known and economically important vegetable crop in South Africa. The total area under production is about 10,000 ha. Most of the [...]

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